30 December, 2011

Paint and Peacocks...

** the following paintings can be purchased at http://www.etsy.com/shop/RhiCreates

I've been busy tonight working on a few paintings as well as painting a wine glass! 
(wine glass tutorial will be posted in the next few days! yaayyy!)

     My favorite colors are inspired by the teal, purple, and pinks found in peacock feathers and I have been trying to think of a better way of incorporating these into my bedroom decor. I decided to do a grouping of small paintings with these colors and various graphics to hang over my bed. Tonight I worked on 3 out of 6 and I thought I would share with you how I went about painting them. It was super easy, and it only took me a couple of hours to get completely done with all 3!
ps- when I get them all done and hung up, I will share the final result :)

1. I painted a 11x14 canvas black
2. I used purple as the main color and began to paint the feather with thin, whimsical and wispy lines
3. I added the remaining colors 1 layer at a time
color order:  purple, blue, green, darker blue, purple, pink. 

1. For the next painting, I painted the entire canvas a turquoise blue, which was straight from a bottle of acrylic paint I purchased at Hobby Lobby
2. I painted the basics of the feather starting with purple and working to the top right
3. I began adding more and more lines by layering color on top of other colors
4. I added a few black lines to finish off the feather and really make it pop!

This last painting was by far the easiest!
1. I painted my entire 8x10 canvas deep purple.
2. When It was dry, I began painting the circle design starting with a lighter shade of purple
3. To make the design: I painted a small circle in the bottom left, which serves as the center of my shape. Then I made lines the size and thickness of a grain of rice all the way around the center mark. From there, I added levels of marks to increase the diameter of the circle-like shape. 
4. I continued this same method of making these shapes by using lime green then the darker green (on the left side), pink, and lastly- turquoise.  

And there they are!! 
Now I just need to figure out what to paint for the rest of the grouping...

PS- My precious angel, Trixie, wanted you all to know that she helped with this project too :)) 

xoxo, Rhiannon


  1. i love what you've done! it's very pretty. but i have a few questions... do you paint with acrylic all over?? i'm asking because i too paint with acrylic (i'm a beginner) and i've tried to paint colors over colors but i could never get it the way that you have it. it always blends in, how do you get your colors to stay on top of each other?

    1. If you paint the canvas black 1st, you can add a little bit of white to the other colors. It will make them pop more.

  2. Just saw your stuff on Pinterest! Love it! I went to your sight and see we are both Rhiannons :)

  3. haha yes we are name twins! thanks for checking out my blog :)

    and Haley, I do use acrylics for these. The key with layering is- you have to wait about a min or two between coats for them to dry. I sometimes grab my hair dryer to speed up the process! Let me know if you have any other questions :)

  4. This is great! I think I might try to do this! Thx!
